ECE Nutrition Investments: Conference Committee Update

Published on Jun 6, 2014 in Child Nutrition, Young Children

TakeAction-Icon6.6.2014 On Wednesday, June 4, the Legislative Conference Committee held a hearing on K-12 (including child care) budget items. The child care items were held open, but Assembly Member Nancy Skinner, chair of the Conference Committee, reaffirmed the Legislature’s commitment to investing in child care.

What’s at stake?
By Monday or Tuesday next week, we expect the conferees will have made some big decisions about how the Legislature will invest in California’s ECE system. While the Assembly’s proposed budget included a $10 million investment in ECE nutrition, the Senate has not yet confirmed their position on this item. Both houses must come to an agreement – don’t let an ECE nutrition investment be on their chopping block.

Learn more about the proposed ECE nutrition investment. link

Who should you contact?
It is advantageous if all state legislators know about the importance of an ECE nutrition investment, but there are few legislators in key leadership positions that are on our high-priority contact list, this includes the Senate Conferees: Senators Leno (D-San Francisco), Hancock (D-Berkeley), Lara (D-Bell Gardens), and Nielsen (R-Gerber).

Conferee contact list. PDF

It’s just a quick call, but it makes all the difference!
CFPA encourages you to take five minutes or less to call the conferees today and share why a state investment in ECE nutrition is important to you. Use the instructions and sample script below to call their offices today. Don’t wait – time to voice your opinion is running out!

Sample script. PDF
ECE Nutrition Budget Alert. PDF


Questions? Contact Elyse Homel Vitale at 510.433.1122 ext. 206


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